God is in control even in times of trouble

Lately, it seems that COVID-19, or the Coronavirus is on everyone’s minds.   It’s all we can think about. Looking at social media, it’s all we can see.    We have all seen jokes about shortages of hand sanitizer and other things. There has been a considerable amount of worry.    Every day it seems there is an event cancelled, or we read of a church not meeting until after the scare is over.   

We must remember that in all of this, our God is solidly on the throne.    He knows what will happen, and this is not catching him by surprise.    He created this universe by speaking.   He will keep it going by his will.   

Jesus himself said that in this world there would be difficulties.   In John 16:33 he said “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”   That may include persecution, or it may include sickness.   But in the very next chapter, we read one of the greatest prayers in the Bible, with Jesus praying for his people.   We know that God loves and cares for us, and will be with us. 

Here in Albion, we are perhaps a bit insulated from some of the scare to this point.   We are not a major city.    While in bigger cities churches are closing down for a time, or suspending physically meeting, we are still planning to meet this Sunday, March 15.  There is no plan to change that in the coming weeks at this time, but we will monitor the situation.   

I like what Pastor Greg Laurie said in regards to the Coronavirus:  

Be practical about hygiene and safety

Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer.    Be mindful.    In church this Sunday we will be “bumping elbows” or waving, rather than shaking hands and hugging during the time of greeting.    It is ok if one does not want to physically embrace in this time.  

Be prayerful for God’s protection

Pray for God’s protection.   Ask him to help in this time.  Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.   Ask that God would keep us healthy, and that he would provide for those that are sick.  

Please pray for First Baptist Church in Albion.   Please pray for the people of Albion, and in Nebraska, our nation, and the world.  Please pray for our leaders as they struggle with how to respond to this.    

Be proclaiming the gospel

This is also a time when we can proclaim the goodness of God.  We can proclaim that he is in charge, and that even in a time of fear and trouble, that God is still on the throne.   

Above all, if you do not wish to venture out to church this Sunday, be aware that the message is recorded each week and is posted on our website, as well as shared on Facebook, and is available in iTunes.   

In the love of Christ,

Pastor Keith Brich